
Cammie can mow 1/2 acre in 25 minutes. If her rate is constant, Cammie says she can mow 1 1/4 acres in one hour. Is Cammie correct? Explain.

Accepted Solution

Answer: No, Cammie is not correct. She can mow Β [tex]1\frac{1}{5}\ acres[/tex] in one hour (See explanation).Step-by-step explanation: Convert the mixed number to an impoper fraction: 1. Multiply the whole number part by the denominator of the fraction and add the product to the numerator. 2. The denominator does not change. Then: [tex]1\frac{1}{4}=\frac{(1*4)+1}{4}=\frac{5}{4}[/tex] Let be "x" the acres Cammie can mow in one hour. You know that she can mow [tex]\frac{1}{2}\ acre[/tex] in 25 minutes, then you can set up the following proportion (Remember that 1 hour has 60 minutes): [tex]\frac{\frac{1}{2}}{25}=\frac{x}{60}[/tex] Solving for "x", you get: [tex]\frac{\frac{1}{2}}{25}=\frac{x}{60}\\\\(60)(\frac{1}{50})=x\\\\x=\frac{6}{5}[/tex] Convert from improper fraction to mixed number: 1. When you divide 6 by 5, the quotient is 1. This will be the whole number part. 2. The remainder is 1. This will be the numerator. 3. The denominator does not change. Then: [tex]x=1\frac{1}{5}[/tex] Therefore, she can mow Β [tex]1\frac{1}{5}\ acres[/tex] in one hour.